Hive tools should be sharpened.Sharpening is easy maintenance but easy to skip doing as often as be
SnoKing Beekeepers Association
Classes, Networking & Support for Beekeepers
Is a hive tool just a prybar? Different hive tools have different uses. Purchasing and trying an
Does brood examination show something suspicious?
How fast is the sugar water fermenting in the hive?
Rain dearth in Western Washington
How to care for a poor quality nuc:
Nuc/package installation Tip #2 If the queen is caged, you must return in about 4 days to verify . .
Nuc or package installation Tip #1: What if the queen is dead?
Nuc or package pickup Tip #5 The queen can not be inspected in a package, but in a nuc . . .
Nuc or package pickup Tip #4 Although you should ask all possible questions BEFORE the pickup . .
Nuc or package pickup Tip #3 Ideally, bees are not transported in the passenger compartment . .
Nuc or package pickup Tip #2 Which openings of nuc container should be open or blocked?
Nuc or package pickup Tip #1: Bees will be flying around the nucs and packages at the pickup site.
Siting an apiary for maximum sunshine and minimum wind in winter may require choices:
When hives sink after heavy rains in Western Washington, here's an easy solution to re-level them:
Another way to clean or sanitize your hive tool between uses:
Propolis is great for bees but how can we easily clean it off our hive tools?
Where can we store the small beekeeping paraphernalia?
Historical confusion about honey bee reproduction is described in Storey’s Guide to "Keeping Bees"
One single honey bee product makes more forms of art possible than any other animal product does.One